Monday 18 August 2014

Shades Of Grey

As I write this I am listening to Rachmaninov on record! The man and I secretly both had an affinity towards records, unbeknownst to the other! He had a memory of never being allowed to touch his parents vinyl and I had a wonderful recollection of my Dad's Beatles albums and, personal childhood favourite Monty Python record set, and Mum's rhythm and blues collection which included BB King and Shirley Bassey often being put on by either myself or my sister. So after raiding my parents collection and a few expensive trips to record stores we now have a fast growing collection with everything from Chopin to Nina Simone to Metallica! And one day I plan on getting a much coveted gramophone!! Although it would probably be more for the aesthetics then for actual playing.

Well that was slightly off topic...this very late post is supposed to be my thoughts on the recent weather and my slowly growing camera skills. So onwards!

The weather here in Melbourne has been less than happy, to have a play on words we have seen more than 50 shades of grey (lol sorry). Which has made this homebody a little lackluster. But I am determined to see the grey but not be the grey! Yesterday I was feeling a little less than motivated when the man asked why I was feeling so glum when I had so many things to look forward to! And well slowly but surely I knew he was right (so annoying hehe). Although most of my adult life I have trained myself to live in the present, the present doesn't look all that different to the past at the moment. So as defensive as my mind felt I thought about what I have ahead and I was certainly cocking my head to the upwards position! Finally after faaar too long I have employment in none other than an Australian icon! And next year I could potentially be working towards a career dream. In fact I'm starting right now. No more being affected by weather, I have too much work to do!

As I start to hear the rain tapping on the roof I'm brought back to a feeling of new life and new energy. And after a couple of chats with the man my mind came back around to the blog and my lack of content. As surprising as this may seem to my close friends I am quite embarrassed to take pictures of myself and even to ask for someone else to take photos of me! As I look at other blogs most of these lovely ladies can look so sultry and serious which is not very me...even the photos I have taken like this make me laugh/cringe. I know I don't have to take pictures like this but to be honest I really love the way they look, just not seeing myself do it haha insecurity much! Anyway I must continue to practise my camera skills and when my VERY supportive man takes pictures I must direct and star and therefore be confident in my looks, so watch out!!

Here are a few photos I took the other week when playing around with light, and a few pics of bloggers whose photos I just adore!

Have a great week!

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